there is a man in my closet or at least there was one he left all his clothes behind and there's no trace of him its weird finding a strangers clothes in your closet and yet we dont feel like strangers you can learn a lot from someone based on the clothes they wear i feel like i know so much about him his favorite bands what tv shows he watched where he traveled to what sports he played what clubs he was in in high school his clothes still smell like him dont think i was smelling a strangers clothes the wardrobe reeks of him his clothes spill out of the closet they taint the world outside where they were kept i see traces of him everywhere now who was this man who seemingly left his life behind and dropped it all in my closet i feel sort of like I know him like a childhood friend or a neighbor a few too many houses down its weird to think he may have grown up in the same place as me and yet we've never met, never will meet i will not know of him except I can piece him together by the fragments of what he left behind the essence of a man left behind in my closet